Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 2, 2015

This week has been a week of miracles!  People always say that obedience brings blessings and exact obedience brings miracles, and it's true people!

We're still talking with everyone we can, and we've found a handful of new people who are super awesome!  This past Thursday we finished a meeting with our mission leader and had about half and hour before we had to be home, so we started to contact a few more people, but we felt like we had to do something more.  On a street that was pretty quiet and calm we decided to say a prayer so that we could use our last half hour the best way possible.  When we finished we started walking down the street and decided to knock on a door.  A young adult came out to talk to us, asked us to wait a few minutes while she grabbed a thicker coat (because it was raining) and then we had a super spiritual lesson with her in front of her house in the rain.  That NEVER happens! We set up an appointment for later in the week, and she is super buena!!  We're super excited to be teaching her and all the other people we've been finding!

Other news from the week:
- My companion is the best!  We work hard but laugh even harder :D  Hahaha for real we are always laughing
- We've had 5 days straight of rain, but it actually isn't all that bad 
- Made Guatemalen empanadas yesterday, so I guess you could say I'm almost officially Latina
- In the Church sunday they talked a lot about temples and family history.  Set a goal today to go to the temple as much as your circumstances allow, and start working on your family history!  Get to know stories about your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc because it's your family!  Families can be together forever, and if we get to know our ancestors in the time we have here it'll be even more exciting when we can see them again after this life.

Last but not least, a scripture for the week:
"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work.  And out of small things proceedeth that which is great." - D&C 34:33

Keep on keeping on everyone!  Les amo pero muchísimo!

Hermana Coombs

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