Tuesday, August 25, 2015

August 24, 2015

Hola a todos :)

My memory of this past week is kind of a hazzy fog, partially because I can't remember too many details, and partially because with all the houses using their wood and fuego there is a lot of smoke.  But it's all good, because I just remembered a few details :)

- The members helped us out a lot this week visiting lots of people and sharing the gospel.  It's awesome to see their enthusiasm!
- Our investigator Carolain said "I'd love to!" when we asked her if she would like to be baptized :)  She's super awesome and she's already reading a ton in the Book of Mormón. Woohoo!
- My companion got sick this week while adjusting to the weather.  Pres. Obeso told her "I was waiting for any one of the new missionaries to get sick... all exept a Chilena!" and she responded "But my Chile has sun."  Haha, but she's all better now
- Had an AMAZING Stake Conference, with lots of awesome talks.  I particularly like the ones that talked about the importance of Members and Missionaries working together.  M&Ms are going to be the new favorite candy in our Stake (... get it? M&M... members and missionaries... or miembros y misioneros en español)
- After the Stake Conference session Saturday night we needed a member to help us get back to Frutillar from Puerto Montt because the buses were a little sketchy, so we went with the Stake President and his wife because they live in Frutillar. They stopped so we could all eat a hamburger, and 5 min later Presidente Obeso and Hermana Obeso showed up at the fast food place because Presidente Obeso was hungry.  Wow. that was a lot more explication than I thought it would be, but basically we ate hamburgers with Pres. Obeso, Hna. Obeso, the stake President and his wife.  It was cool.

All in all a pretty good week :)  Love you all tons!  Keep being the best and keep on keeping on

Con amor,
Hermana Coombs

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