I don't have a ton of time,
but I hope the pictures make up for it.
Highlights from this
- Still haven't died
from the volcano
- Intercambios with
Hna. Pettitt
- We got to chop wood
for an Hermana en la Rama
- We're preparing an
activity for Easter, and Hna Espinoza and I are in charge of the decorations
(even though we are the least creative people on the planet), but the good news
is that one of the Hermanas en la Rama is helping us out a ton
- We've laughed a ton
this week :D
As you're all
preparing for Easter take time to think about Jesus Christ and what his
sacrifice means for you personally. He lives and is present in our
lives. This weekend in the General Conference His prophet and apostles
will bear testimony of Him and give us counsels that will help us grow closer
to Him. I am so thankful for all that He has given me thanks to his
sacrifice for me and for each one of you.
Have and awesome week!
Love you all tons!
Hermana Coombs